NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian South Australia on 05/06/2015.

For all riders, coaches, judges and others who want to keep up with – Whats New!

WED 29th JULY, 7.15 for 7.30 start Country Women’s Association , 30 Dequetteville Terrace, Adelaide Social evening, talk and 'hands on' practical demonstration.

What’s New? Brain training is the latest frontier in many sports. Did you know that " USING THE BEAT" can increase a sports persons’ rhythm, timing, coordination, concentration, focus, balance, decision making, cognitive processing speed, motor planning and sequencing. Come and find out how this is possible.

How does this help riders? ‘The Beat’ can be used to improve rider dexterity, balance and timing and to help resolve issues like dominant hand, leg or seat. These problems affect all aspects of riding from basic delivery of signals to the horse to lateral work and jumping and eventually to achieving smooth rhythmic riding. Concentration, focus and mental stamina also improves.

Further Information and Registration Here


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