Honorary Life Members - Equestrian SA

Honorary Life Membership is bestowed upon those Members, which recognises outstanding service over many years and have been sufficiently meritorious by their contribution to Equestrian SA.

We honour them below and thank them for their service to Equestrian Sport.

Honour Roll - Life Members 

Frank Bawden Megan Jones
Grace Bowman Scott Keach
John Bruggemann * Anne Lindh
Richard Bruggemann * Stuart Platt
Jane Bush OAM * Kaye Platt
Jim Dunn OAM * Gillian Rolton AM, OAM *
Jo Edwards * Wendy Schaeffer-Macdonald  OAM, OLY
Jeff Evans Michael Scott OAM
Kristina Fritzell Robert Shepherd
Robert Goldsworthy * Erica Taylor
Denis Goulding Zane Treloar
Sandra Haynes Michael Trenerry *
Mary Hovers Brian Whibley
Wendy Hunt Judy Whyntie
Caroline Jones  Pat Hutchens
* Sadly Deceased  


Criteria for bestowing Honary Life Membership - CLICK HERE