Interschool News

Congratulations to all the riders that will be representing South Australia at the Australian Interschool Equestrian Championships in Toowoomba.
Welcome to Team...

Equestrian Australia is pleased to announce the two hosts for the next Australian Interschool Championships.
The 2018 Australian Interschool Championships will be held at...

During the first half of 2016 the ESA will be hosting rider clinics for school students registered to compete in ESA Interschool Equestrian Competitions.
We are seeking...

Interschool Team Captains for 2015 have been selected.
Big Congratulations to:
Ashleigh Westcott - CaptainGeorgina Watson - Vice Captain

The 2015 South Australian Interschool Combined Training Championships will be held on 23rd & 24th of May, 2015 at Kirkaldy Park in conjunction with the horse...

The Board and Staff welcome Verity Hayman as our new Interschool co-ordinator. Verity has now commenced working with Equestrian SA on Thursday and Fridays.
We wish...